Wednesday, October 19, 2022


 Seasons are turning...

It is mid October and autumn has arrived in full force her in Leavenworth along the  river. The last couple of weeks have witnessed the changing of the leaves, two hard freezes in the last two mornings, and the changing of the light.  There is a discrete change in sunlight this time of year.  Light appears dimmer and there is a different hue in the blue of the sky, foreshadowing the winter to come. I’ve always enjoyed the changing of the seasons and this one is no different. 

Other seasons change as well.  I don’t recall when I first looked in the mirror and saw my father looking back at me. But it does seem I resemble him a bit more every day, in appearance, if not personality. 

My father was a hard man. Born into poverty in the souther Appalachians of North Carolina at the very start of the depression, was the youngest in the family. Life was hard. Grandfather was a stone mason which supplemented the subsistence farming of corn and tobacco along the French Broad.  At fourteen, my father as he put it “had his growth in” and ran away to join the US Army. It was 1944. He was in for a while, until they caught up to him and sent him home.  A few years later he joined again and then stayed for a career.  Hard times make hard men.

However, it was the hard men of that generation that won the war and made for the good times after. The next couple generations did well and could always expect to do better than their parents. Today, I don’t know if that is still true. The communist hippies of the sixties ended up being the elder leaders of the country today. In fact the Democrats of today are little more than communists themselves.  Their party promotes economic envy and racial division, and worship of an all powerful State. Not to mention their unfathomable, absolute disconnection from reality about gender.  

Yesterday I listened to a clip of LGB on the radio. I have no idea what he might have been talking about. I’m not certain he knew. What words he spoke were slurred and not connected in any coherent fashion. He seriously sounded like some of the clients I worked with thirty years ago who were afflicted with serious mental illnesses. There are so many examples of this available on the internet I will not go into them here.  The point is, this is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World, as the position was called in the Cold War. How did this...idiot...end up in charge of the military and executive branch? Someday, I hope to read an insider’s account and see just how far gone he is.

The point is, with this guy nominally in charge, we are not better off as a nation. Inflation is running at 8% or so. Their answer: spend more.  An invasion of illegal aliens across the border. Their answer: “the border is secure” (and spend more). Fighting a proxy war with Russia whose leader now threatens the use of nuclear weapons? Well, I haven’t heard an answer for that.  But spend more, and send weapons. 

The world is more dangerous and the country less safe. I want to think that my countrymen are up to the times ahead. But I am not convinced.

Hard times are coming again. 


Sunday, October 16, 2022

Another Early Morning

October 12

It seems to have been particularly difficult coming off this last work cycle.  Even with a four day weekend attached to the end of it.  It is almost 3:30 a.m. I managed to slip out of bed without waking Household-6.  As I write this a mild thunderstorm is rolling through the Leavenworth area, a window open to better listen to it. 

There is a stillness in these early mornings which I enjoy, but many do not understand.  In a way, it is even more still as the cable modem is indicating an outage.  Too often this would be prompting me to try and troubleshoot the problems (well I did unplug it, wait, and plug it back in), but not this morning.  It is better to avoid the cacophony of the Facebook and the outrage of the polemics, at least for the moment. 

Recently I heard a new term: Doomscrolling. As I understand it, the reader scrolls through articles written by thousands of Chicken Littles, and finds it difficult to stop. Perhaps Chicken Little is a bit unfair, but these are both on the political Right and Left. The reader ends up going down the rabbit hole soaking up more and more Doom! 

 I think it may be especially for users of social media accounts who go on to create their own echo chambers, never allowing themselves to hear an opposing thought.  Many who do hear one, immediately scream racism, intolerance, hate, (and don’t forget the phobias!), and go on to block those who have offended. How do you learn to think that way?

Shrinking Worlds III

 I said before it is a hard thing to watch a parent in decline. I’ve written twice before about the shrinking world of my mother as she ag...