Thursday, April 21, 2022

Weston Bluffs Trail Kona Rove

 Spring seems to have returned to Kansas and I finally got a day to get my new Kona Rove out, if only for a short ride.  I picked this up from the Sante Fe Trail Bike Shop in Leavenworth last week. Easter weekend was busy and the weather hasn't been particularly cooperative until today. 

My previous bicycle was a Trek 7200 Hybrid that I purchased in 2005 when there was a vicious spike in gas prices.  I pulled it out of storage last summer when I decided that my back wasn't going to let me run again any time soon.  The bike shop did a tune up on it and I took it out for over a thousand miles until last week. It is an excellent bike for short distance commutes to work.  I was trying to us it for longer (50+ miles) rides and gravel.  Not the best for that. 

I'd been on the waiting list for a Specialized gravel bike for some months.  Everything that came in was simply not in my size.  Supply chain issues rippling from the Covidiocy of 2020 and 2021. I suspect we'll feel the effects for years to come.  Finally I got a text that they wanted me to come try out a gravel bike and put me on this. After a very short ride about town, I decided I'd take it. I have the following modifications either made or being made: tubeless tires, raising the handlebars about an inch, cross lever brakes.  I might also need seat with more padding.  Eighteen hundred dollars later, I took it home.  This was followed by a busy Easter weekend with rainy, cold weather (naturally).

The last few months have been harder to maintain fitness.  I spent several weeks in January and the first part of February working out at the shop with an indoor trainer (dumb trainer). Then my wife and I both got COVID.  Mostly, I just felt tired and achy.  Not really any other symptoms. So, that took a couple more weeks out, and the indoor training season was over. I took the Trek home and rolled straight into an exercise working nights.  Just seemed impossible to get back out there. 

Finally today I got over to the Weston Bluffs trail.  This runs along the Missouri River to Weston right along the edge of the Weston Bend State Park.  The course I typically follow continues through town and a gravel road on out to Missouri 45. 

The Kona handles great! I also never realized just how different the gearing was between the Trek and Kona.  This is so much faster!  Today was just a bit over 11 miles, not particularly hard, but not easy either.  It's going to take a bit to get back into some sort of shape. 

Pictured with one of many educational type waypoints along the trail. The Missouri River is in the background with the Kansas shore in the distance. 

I guess I'm feeling okay for an old(ish) man. 

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